The Dream-catcher now mysteriously hanging in the bathroom
The Lego creation left on the kitchen counter
The Hot Wheel placed atop the piano
Moments of carelessness, forgetfulness, absentmindedness
Or, simple intentions, choices, gestures made as you leave pieces of yourself for me to find
The reminder of your creativity winking at me as I prepare dinner
Your dreams drifting out of the catcher, whispering themselves to me as I wash my face before bed
Your speed, this reminder of how quickly you will grow, taunting me as I sit at the piano and prepare to play.
I see you, I want to say.
Always here for me.
Always reminding me that you come first.
I see you and I love you.
Keep forgetting things.
Keep leaving pieces of yourself behind.
I will always find them.
Book Lovers List (poetry addition)
The Fact of a Doorframe by Adrienne Rich