Creativity: 7 Questions, 1 Year

Indie Jen Fischer
3 min readMar 31, 2021
Bright abstract art with wide brush strokes and some splatters. Various shades of blue dominate. Some splatters look like purple-silver glitter. There are other colors as well: bright yellow, red, light green, and a few strokes of white around the edges.
Hive Mind by Katherine Lockett-Clark. Find her work on Facebook, Instagram or here.

Recently, the New York Times asked creative people 7 questions about the first year of the pandemic. When I first saw this, I thought about answering the same questions on my medium page. Then, I forgot. Recently, Roxane Gay answered these questions on her substack (which I love, subscribe!) and it reminded me that I wanted to do this too. Here goes.



Indie Jen Fischer

Co-Founder, Think Ten Media Group. Mom. Coffee Lover. Currently writing #TheLeeches (novel series) and researching education in post-genocide societies