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Creativity: 7 Questions, 1 Year
Recently, the New York Times asked creative people 7 questions about the first year of the pandemic. When I first saw this, I thought about answering the same questions on my medium page. Then, I forgot. Recently, Roxane Gay answered these questions on her substack (which I love, subscribe!) and it reminded me that I wanted to do this too. Here goes.
What’s one thing you made this year?
We baked a lot this year. Sometimes, just me, learning to make bread and English muffins. Sometimes, me and the kids: cake, cookies. Oh and donuts! We stretched outside of our normal baking zone, and it was fun to try out new recipes. The other thing I made this year was coffee. Coffee and espresso for myself and my partner everyday for a year. As an avid local coffee shop goer, that was a big change.
What art have you turned to in this time?
Books! I always read, but this year I read even more. With all of the extra screen time for social interactions and work engagements, I turned to art that didn’t require a screen. Here’s my partial reading list from the last year.
Did you have any particularly bad ideas?
Maybe reworking my novel series in yet a THIRD way will end up being a bad idea. Or ditching that project altogether. Your guess is as good as mine.